Towards Exchanging Wearable-PGHD with EHRs: Developing a Standardized Information Model for Wearable-Based Patient Generated Health Data

Abdullahi Abubakar Kawu, Dympna O'Sullivan, Lucy Hederman

Research output: Contribution to conferencePaperpeer-review


Wearables have become commonplace for tracking and making sense of patient lifestyle, wellbeing and health data. Most of this tracking is done by individuals outside of clinical settings, however some data from wearables may be useful in a clinical context. As such, wearables may be considered a prominent source of Patient Generated Health Data (PGHD). Studies have attempted to maximize the use of the data from wearables including integrating with Electronic Health Records (EHRs). However, usually a limited number of wearables are considered for integration and, in many cases, only one brand is investigated. In addition, we find limited studies on integration of metadata including data quality and provenance, despite such data being very relevant for clinical decision making. This paper describes a proposed design and development of a generic information model for wearable based PGHD integration with EHRs. We propose a vendor-neutral model that can work with a wider range of wearables and discuss our proposed method to employ an ontology-based approach and provide insights to future work.
Original languageEnglish
Publication statusPublished - 2022


  • Wearables
  • Patient Generated Health Data
  • Electronic Health Records
  • data quality
  • provenance
  • ontology-based approach


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