The use of sterol profiles, supported with other faecal source tracking methods, to apportion septic tanks contamination in rural catchments

Donata Dubber, Laura Brophy, David O'Connell, Patrice Behan, Martin Danaher, Craig Evans, Phillip Geary, Bruce Misstear, Laurence Gill

Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

2 Citations (Scopus)


Identifying the origin of faecal pollution in water is needed for effective water management decisions to protect both human health and aquatic ecosystems. Traditionally used indicators of faecal contamination, such as E. coli, only indicate pollution from warm-blooded animals and not the specific source of contamination; hence, more source specific tracers are required. The study has focussed on separating the two main sources of contaminants within rural catchments in Ireland, agriculture and on-site wastewater treatment systems (predominantly septic tanks). While human-specific effluent tracers may assist in identifying potential pathways from individual septic tanks to surface waters, it is difficult to quantify the cumulative impact of such systems at a catchment scale. This study has investigated faecal sterols as a method to quantify such an impact on four small catchments in areas of low subsoil permeability with high densities of septic tanks. The results demonstrate the usefulness of faecal sterols which provide a quantitative evaluation of the respective impact between agricultural pasture inputs and on-site effluent showing differences between the four catchments. The study also highlights the need to derive more specific local reference sterol profile databases for specific countries or regions, using local source material of animal faeces and effluent. Two intensive sampling campaigns on the four catchments then used faecal sterols in parallel to fluorescent whitening compounds (FWCs), caffeine, artificial sweeteners and selected pharmaceuticals to gain further insights and confirmation about contamination hotspots as well as providing comparison between the different parameters. The combination of sterols, FWCs, caffeine, acesulfame and cyclamate has proven suitable to provide an estimate of the extent of human contamination in these rural catchments and has yielded additional information about potential pollution pathways and proximity of contamination. Overall, this methodology can help to facilitate a targeted and effective water management in such catchments.

Original languageEnglish
Article number122884
JournalEnvironmental Pollution
Publication statusPublished - 15 Jan 2024


  • Artificial sweeteners
  • Caffeine
  • Faecal stanols
  • Fluorescent whitening compounds
  • Pharmaceuticals
  • Septic tank


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