The Strategy Process of Irish Quantity Surveying Firms Operating within a Turbulent Business Environment

Michael Adesi, Roisin Murphy, Dermot Kehily

Research output: Contribution to conferencePaperpeer-review


Rapid technological changes and market fluctuations create a turbulent business environment that poses significant challenges to the strategy process of Quantity Surveying (QS) firms. A turbulent environment refers to the existence of high levels of uncertainty, unpredictability, volatile demand and changing growth conditions within an industry. The strategy process is complex and becomes more problematic in the face of a turbulent business environment. To date, studies focusing on QS practices seldom investigate the impact of a rapidly changing environment on the strategy process within these firms. This study aims to address this gap by investigating the impact of environmental turbulence on the strategy process and strategic choices made within Irish QS firms. This paper presents findings from the first of a two-phase data collection process, which adopts a quantitative approach based on data collected from a survey of senior management in Irish QS firms. The paper provides insight into the characteristics of the strategy process of QS practices operating in a turbulent business environment and outlines strategic choices made at the top management level of these practices. The paper contributes by identifying the impact of turbulent business environment on the strategy process of QS practices.
Original languageEnglish (Ireland)
Publication statusPublished - 2019
Event35th Annual Conference on Association of Researchers in Construction Management, ARCOM 2019 - Leeds, United Kingdom
Duration: 2 Sep 20194 Sep 2019


Conference35th Annual Conference on Association of Researchers in Construction Management, ARCOM 2019
Country/TerritoryUnited Kingdom


  • Rapid technological changes
  • market fluctuations
  • turbulent business environment
  • strategy process
  • Quantity Surveying (QS) firms
  • uncertainty
  • unpredictability
  • volatile demand
  • changing growth conditions
  • strategic choices
  • Irish QS firms
  • senior management
  • top management level


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