The Pierce decomposition and Pierce embedding of endomorphism rings of abelian p-groups

Brendan Goldsmith, Luigi Salce

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The first goal of this paper is to investigate the Pierce decomposition of the endomorphism ring End ⁡ (G) = F ^ ⊕ End s ⁡ (G) {\operatorname{End}(G)=\widehat{F}\oplus\operatorname{End}_{s}(G)} of an abelian p-group G and its application to the recent studies of groups with minimal full inertia and of thick-thin groups. The second goal is to investigate the Pierce embedding ψ: End ⁡ (G) / H ⁢ (G) → ∏ n M f n ⁢ (G). \Psi:\operatorname{End}(G)/H(G)\to\prod_{n}M_{f_{n}(G)}. We prove that more classes of groups than those described by Pierce have the property that the map ψ is surjective, and we furnish examples of groups which do not have this property. Several results connecting the Pierce decomposition and the Pierce embedding of End ⁡ (G) {\operatorname{End}(G)} are obtained that allow one to derive general conditions on a group G which ensure that the Pierce embedding of End ⁡ (G) {\operatorname{End}(G)} is not surjective.

Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)991-1003
Number of pages13
JournalForum Mathematicum
Issue number4
Publication statusPublished - 1 Jul 2023
Externally publishedYes


  • endomorphism rings
  • fully inert subgroups
  • minimal full inertia
  • Pierce decomposition
  • Pierce embedding
  • Primary groups
  • thick-thin groups


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