The history and work of the Centre for Early Childhood Development and Education (CECDE) (2001-2008)

Elizabeth Dunphy, Máire Mhic Mhathúna

Research output: Chapter in Book/Report/Conference proceedingChapterpeer-review


Growing international interest in ECEC policy in the 1990s resulted in increasing awareness of its significance for education policy in Ireland. Arising from this, in 1999, Ready to Learn: A White Paper for Early Childhood Education was published. This led to the establishment of the Centre for Early Childhood Development and Education (CECDE). This chapter charts in chronological order the history and work of the CECDE from its inception in 2001 until its closure in 2008. It documents the governance, structures, strategic direction and management of the Centre. It foregrounds the outputs of the Centre including research reports, international conferences and its programme of funded Ph.D. studies. A particular focus is the development of Síolta. The National Quality Framework (2006) and its significance and impact on the issue of quality provision of ECEC in Ireland. The authors offer an insider view on the outputs and legacy of the CECDE, while at the same time drawing on key publications of the time to include objective commentary.
Original languageEnglish
Title of host publicationEarly Childhood Education and Care in Ireland: Charting a Century of Developments (1921-2021)
Publication statusPublished - 2022


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