The Forthcoming General Election in the Republic of Ireland: Winds of (Left-Wing) Change or Plus Ça Change?

Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review


The forthcoming general election will be the most consequential electoral contest for the Republic of Ireland in a century. The polity is situated in truly novel territory with the potential for an historic first: the incoming of a Sinn Féin-led, left-wing government. Any such government would portend change in the North of Ireland, symbolising a critical juncture on the path towards the ending of partition. Analysing electoral and ideological shifts across the post-2008 period, this article examines the immediate prospects for the coming to power of a left-wing government and an historic first in Irish politics.
Original languageEnglish (Ireland)
JournalThe Political Quarterly
Publication statusPublished - 24 Oct 2024


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