The Emergence of Quality Assurance in Irish Higher Education: a Review of European and National Policy and description of the Dublin Institute of Technology Practice

Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review


This is the second in a series of three papers which explore and describe ‘quality’ as a tool in the Irish Higher Education sector. This paper reviews macro, mesco and micro issues relating to quality assurance within the context of European Union Education Ministers’ communiqués and in Irish national policy. A micro perspective is then undertaken pertaining to the Technological University Dubin describing how quality assurance systems and procedures emerged in the Institute. It also includes the Institute’s response to provisions made in the 1999 Qualifications (Education and Training) Act with reference to the necessity of carrying out quality reviews. The European University Association philosophy as the agency chosen to carry out one such review is outlined. The broad purpose of this paper, and of the previous related paper, is to provide a policy map from macro European to micro institutional level which will aid postgraduate students and those interested in quality assurance in higher education to identify important developments and pursue further research. The inquiry approach utilised is interpretive, descriptions are detailed and meaning is constructed: this is a subjective process firmly located in the broad field of qualitative research. The paper offers a general review of policy documentation together with some critical commentary and personal reflections.
Original languageEnglish
Issue numberNo. 4
Publication statusPublished - 1 Aug 2006


  • quality assurance
  • Irish Higher Education
  • European Union Education Ministers
  • national policy
  • Technological University Dubin
  • 1999 Qualifications (Education and Training) Act
  • European University Association
  • policy map
  • qualitative research


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