Sustainable Design: A Case Study in Energy Systems

Eugene Coyle, Marek Rebow

Research output: Chapter in Book/Report/Conference proceedingChapterpeer-review


Since the publication of the UN climate report in 2007, most countries now agree that recent climate change has occurred as a result of human intervention and that it will require fast and profound measures to reduce this negative imprint imposed upon nature. Central to this is the need to radically reduce CO2 emissions resulting from combustion of carbon-based energy resources to meet global energy demands. Greater measures must be taken to develop new non-combustion based technologies, in addition to using low-carbon energy resources. Increasing energy efficiency and using energy wisely will also feature in reducing emissions. Sustain-able Energy is now to the fore in both Europe and the United States of America; with government core research agencies developing strategy and preparing scholar-ship research programmes, with invite to develop new ideas and provide innovative solutions to the needs of the energy sector. There is also evidence of greater critical self awareness by academics and researchers of the need to be more actively en-gaged in finding new solutions through interdisciplinary research. The terms ‘sus-tainable development’ and ‘sustainable design’ have become part of our everyday vocabulary, and there is now an active trend towards development of new curricula and degree programmes in sustainable energy. In this chapter we discuss the princi-ples of sustainable development and sustainable design, and explore a range strate-gies and tools for the provision of engineering education. We provide some exam-ples of syllabi and curricula developments in sustainable design, and we invoke a spirit of engagement in helping create a sustainable future.
Original languageEnglish
Title of host publicationEngineering in Context
Publication statusPublished - 2009


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