Spatial search techniques for mobile 3d queries in sensor web environments

Junjun Yin, James D. Carswell

Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review


Developing mobile geo-information systems for sensor web applications involves technologies that can access linked geographical and semantically related Internet information. Additionally, in tomorrow's Web 4.0 world, it is envisioned that trillions of inexpensive micro-sensors placed throughout the environment will also become available for discovery based on their unique geo-referenced IP address. Exploring these enormous volumes of disparate heterogeneous data on today's location and orientation aware smartphones requires context-Aware smart applications and services that can deal with information overload. 3DQ (Three Dimensional Query) is our novel mobile spatial interaction (MSI) prototype that acts as a next-generation base for human interaction within such geospatial sensor web environments/urban landscapes. It filters information using Hidden Query Removal functionality that intelligently refines the search space by calculating the geometry of a three dimensional visibility shape (Vista space) at a user's current location. This 3D shape then becomes the query window in a spatial database for retrieving information on only those objects visible within a user's actual 3D field-of-view. 3DQ reduces information overload and serves to heighten situation awareness on constrained commercial off-The-shelf devices by providing visibility space searching as a mobile web service. The effects of variations in mobile spatial search techniques in terms of query speed vs. accuracy are evaluated and presented in this paper.

Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)135-154
Number of pages20
JournalISPRS International Journal of Geo-Information
Issue number1
Publication statusPublished - Mar 2013


  • GeoSpatial Sensor Web
  • IThings
  • Location-based GeoComputation
  • Mobile spatial interaction


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