School of Hospitality & Tourism Management Research Strategy for Information Technology 2015-2017

Patrick Horan

Research output: Book/ReportCommissioned report


The aim of this document is to introduce a research strategy for the area of Information Technology for the School of Hospitality & Tourism Management DIT. The proposed strategy for 2015-2017 is all about exploration and foundation for strategies to come. To date there has been no strategy in place within the School which focuses specifically on research in the area of Information Technology. Therefore, we are beginning with a blank canvas so to speak. This, in itself , is both a drawback and a huge opportunity. We have an opportunity to shape the IT research activity of the School for years to come. This in turn can only impact teaching and learning with in the School in a positive manner. Research forms an essential part of the mission of the DIT. Research stimulates student curiosity, imagination and creative abilities, underpins the recruitment and retention of first class staff and optimises the contribution of the institute to economic, cultural and social development nationally and internationally
Original languageEnglish
PublisherTechnological University Dublin
Publication statusPublished - 2015


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