Robust controller design for time delay systems using H-infinity techniques

Susan Carr, Aidan O'Dwyer

Research output: Contribution to conferencePaperpeer-review


Using H-infinity control, the design problem is formulated in terms of user defined weighting polynomials on the process closed-loop sensitivity functions to achieve desired closed-loop performance and robust stability in the presence of process modelling error. In this paper stability conditions , in terms of the process sensitivity functions, are derived for processes containing a pure time delay for the following three design scenarios i) the time delay is neglected in the control design and is considered as part of the unmodelled process dynamics ii) A Pade approximation of the delay is included in the controller design and the effect of the residual time-delay modelling error on stability is considered iii) stability conditions for time delay mismatch using the Smith Predictor are derived.
Original languageEnglish
Publication statusPublished - 1999
EventIrish Signals and Systems Conference - Galway, Ireland
Duration: 1 Jan 1999 → …


ConferenceIrish Signals and Systems Conference
Period1/01/99 → …


  • H-infinity control
  • closed-loop performance
  • robust stability
  • process modelling error
  • time delay
  • Pade approximation
  • Smith Predictor


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