Remoulding the critical junctures approach

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    This paper improves our understanding of critical junctures, a concept employed in historical institutionalism for exploring change. However, the concept lacks rigour, weakening our ability to define critical junctures. Of late, academics have utilized other mechanisms to identify change in historical institutionalism. Thus, it is within this context that the critical junctures approach is remoulded through the specification of standards, hence reducing uncertainty as to what constitutes a critical juncture. The remoulded approach is employed here in examining change in the Irish Congress of Trade Unions' (ICTU) influence over public policy in 1987.

    Original languageEnglish
    Pages (from-to)657-679
    Number of pages23
    JournalCanadian Journal of Political Science
    Issue number3
    Publication statusPublished - Sep 2006


    • critical junctures
    • historical institutionalism
    • change
    • standards
    • Irish Congress of Trade Unions
    • public policy


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