Proposal for a Construction Industry Digital Competency Centre for Ireland

Alan V. Hore

Research output: Contribution to conferencePaperpeer-review


The Irish construction industry is facing a series of fundamental challenges that is affecting every player in the AEC lifecycle from architects to owners to tenants. Despite technology advances in recent years, the Irish construction industry lags behind other industries in respect to Information Communications Technology (ICT) investments. Despite a pressing need for innovation, procurement and tendering procedures in Ireland largely discourages new ideas and puts further pressure on wafer-thin margins that characterise the construction sector. This paper will reflect on the deliverables of the Construction Information Technology Alliance (CITA) in Ireland, which was formed in partnership between the Technological University of Dublin and the Waterford Institute of Technology in 2002. The paper goes on to describe the opportunities and challenges that the Alliance faces in creating a new Construction Industry Digital Competency Centre (CIDCC) in Ireland in 2009. It will, in particular, focus on the business case for such a centre within the Irish construction industry. The ultimate goal of the new centre is to develop ICT standards in the workplace, but also to provide the impetus to ensure that as many stakeholders as possible use these standards and thus build on the ICT competence of the industry
Original languageEnglish
Publication statusPublished - 2008
EventCOBRA - The RICS construction, building and real estate research conference - Dublin, Ireland
Duration: 4 Sep 20085 Sep 2008


ConferenceCOBRA - The RICS construction, building and real estate research conference


  • Irish construction industry
  • Information Communications Technology
  • ICT
  • Construction Information Technology Alliance
  • CITA
  • Construction Industry Digital Competency Centre
  • ICT standards
  • innovation
  • procurement
  • tendering procedures


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