Postharvest hardness and color evolution of white button mushrooms (agaricus bisporus)

Debabandya Mohapatra, Zuberi M. Bira, Joe P. Kerry, Jesús M. Frías, Fernanda A. Rodrigues

Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review


The quality evaluation of mushrooms was studied by storing fresh white button mushrooms (Agaricus bisporus) for 6 to 8 d, at various controlled temperature conditions (3.5 to 15 °C) and measuring the instrumental textural hardness and color of the mushroom cap for different product batches. A nonlinear mixed effect Weibull model was used to describe mushroom cap texture and color kinetics during storage considering the batch variability into account. Storage temperature was found to play a significant role in controlling texture and color degradation. On lowering storage temperature (i) the extent of the final browning extent in the mushroom after storage was reduced and (ii) the rate textural hardness losses was slowed down. A linear dependence of the final browning index with temperature was found. An Arrhenius type relationship was found to exist between the temperature of storage and storage time with respect to textural hardness. The average batch energy of activation was calculated to be 207 ± 42kJ/mol in a temperature range of 3.5 to 20 °C.Practical Application: This article evaluates how temperature abuse affects mushroom texture and color, applying methods that allow for the consideration of the natural product variability that is inherent in mushrooms. Its results apply to mushroom producers, retail distribution, and supermarkets for effective storage management.

Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)E146-E152
JournalJournal of Food Science
Issue number3
Publication statusPublished - Apr 2010


  • Browning
  • Mushroom
  • Texture
  • Variability


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