Onset based audio segmentation for the Irish tin whistle

Mikel Gainza

Research output: Contribution to conferencePaperpeer-review


A technique for segmenting tin whistle audio signals according to the position of the note onsets is presented. This method focuses on the characteristics of the tin whistle within Irish traditional music, customising a time-frequency based representation for detecting the instant when a note starts and releases. Musical ornamentation, such as cuts and strikes, are very common in Irish traditional music and are played during the onset stage. Taking advantage of this musical feature, a novel technique for improving the onset time estimation is also presented.
Original languageEnglish
Publication statusPublished - 2004
Event7th International Conference on Signal Processing -
Duration: 31 Aug 20044 Sep 2004


Conference7th International Conference on Signal Processing


  • tin whistle
  • audio segmentation
  • note onsets
  • Irish traditional music
  • time-frequency representation
  • musical ornamentation
  • onset time estimation


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