Objective-COP: Objective Context Oriented Programming

Basel Magableh

Research output: Contribution to conferencePaperpeer-review


This paper introduces a context-oriented component-based application MDA (COCA-MDA) that modularizes the application's context-dependent behaviour into context-oriented components. The components separate the application's functional concerns from the extra-functional concerns. The application is organized into two casually connected layers: the base layer, which provides the application's core structure, and the meta-layer, where the COCA-components are located, and which provides composable units of behaviour. This architecture provides software developers with a clear modular structure, which reflects a clear separation of concerns between the context provider and context consumer. In addition, this paper demonstrates the possibility of implementing context-oriented programming with Objective-C. The COCA-middleware enables the context-aware application to modify its behaviour dynamically, based on the execution context conditions
Original languageEnglish
Publication statusPublished - 2011
Externally publishedYes
EventICICS 2011 -
Duration: 1 May 201131 May 2011


ConferenceICICS 2011
OtherAwarded best conference paper


  • context-oriented component-based application
  • context-dependent behaviour
  • context-oriented components
  • functional concerns
  • extra-functional concerns
  • base layer
  • meta-layer
  • COCA-components
  • composable units of behaviour
  • modular structure
  • separation of concerns
  • context provider
  • context consumer
  • context-oriented programming
  • Objective-C
  • COCA-middleware
  • context-aware application
  • execution context conditions


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