Lost in Translation? How the Culture(s) of the Technological University Dublin (DIT) could be Analysed via a lens of Critical Discourse Analysis (CDA) of its Strategic Plan, and other Documents, during its Transition to Grangegorman

Ann Conway

Research output: Working paper


This paper discusses some of the theoretical foundations to critical discourse analysis (CDA) and will review the principles of CDA. It will attempt to answer how CDA can be understood and what conceptual tools it offers as a lens to view DIT’s changing culture and role in education and society during its transition to Grangegorman. This move from multiple sites to a ‘one size fits all’ campus is believed to be about better servicing the needs of society by ‘supporting the economic, social and cultural life of its people in one main campus’ (DEGW, 2009). CDA focuses on the links between text and socio-cultural partners, on discourse and social action and on the power struggles or conformity within institutional documents.
Original languageEnglish
PublisherTechnological University Dublin
Publication statusPublished - 2010
Externally publishedYes


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