Life Cycle Cost Analysis Under Ireland's Capital Works Management Framework

Dermot Kahily

Research output: Contribution to conferencePaperpeer-review


The Capital Works Management Framework (CWMF) is a structure that has been developed to deliver the Irish government’s objectives in relation to public sector construction procurement reform. This research provides practical guidance and assistance for construction cost professionals in carrying out Whole Life Cycle Cost Analysis (WLCCA) and producing Life Cycle Cost Models(LCCMs) under the CWMF. The research outlines how LCCA calculations can be carried out for cost planning purposes and recommends a standard methodology for presenting LCCMs under the CWMF. The CWMF states that Whole Life Costs (WLC) are an important consideration throughout the design process and should be integrated at each stage of the cost planning process. This research investigated a number of international methodologies and standard method of measurements on Life Cycle Costing (LCC) along with a literature review of journal papers, professional publications and research articles. A template was subsequently developed that can be used to aid construction professionals in producing LCCMs. The template puts forward a standard response to the CWMF and was produced in consultation with one of the international methodologies in LCC. A WLCCA case study of a secondary school building in Dublin, Ireland was carried out using the template outlined above. The WLCCA was prepared to provide an example of how LCCA could be carried out and presented in accordance with Ireland’s CWMF. The resultant WLCCA outlines a sixty year analysis of the school considering the proportional present value breakdown between investment costs and operational costs. The construction costs represent 42% of the overall present value WLC of the building over a 60 year study period.
Original languageEnglish
Publication statusPublished - 2012
Externally publishedYes
EventJoint CIB W070, W092 & Tg72 International Conference On Facilities Management, Procurement Systems And Public Private Partnership - Cape Town, South Africa
Duration: 23 Jan 201225 Jan 2012


ConferenceJoint CIB W070, W092 & Tg72 International Conference On Facilities Management, Procurement Systems And Public Private Partnership
Country/TerritorySouth Africa
CityCape Town
OtherDelivering Value to the Community


  • Capital Works Management Framework
  • public sector construction procurement
  • Whole Life Cycle Cost Analysis
  • Life Cycle Cost Models
  • cost planning
  • Whole Life Costs
  • Life Cycle Costing
  • secondary school building
  • Dublin
  • construction costs


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