Learning from learning groups

Research output: Contribution to conferencePaperpeer-review


In conclusion, learning groups are an important and growing part of the culture of DIT, particularly in engineering. The groups are becoming more visible over time and the format of group learning is gaining recognition. Success is evident among teachers (who maintain on going dialogue about teaching and assessment issues) and students (who are able to discuss what and how they learn). Individual students attributed the group format with helping develop their understanding, leadership skills, and abilities in team management. Further research can help the DIT community in particular, and engineering education in general, understand and refine group project-based learning approaches. Generating new knowledge about how groups function most effectively can help organizations learn and function better as well.

Original languageEnglish
Publication statusPublished - 2013
Event41st SEFI Conference 2013 - Leuven, Belgium
Duration: 16 Sep 201320 Sep 2013


Conference41st SEFI Conference 2013


  • Classroom environments
  • Learning groups
  • Peer learning
  • Problem-based learning


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