Keeping (or Losing) the Faith: Reflections on Spiritual Struggles and Their Resolution by College Seniors.

Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review


In this qualitative study, researchers examined how college seniors experienced and resolved spiritual struggles in college. Results indicated that academic activities provided opportunities to question, learn, and grow spiritually. Although a variety of external factors influenced students' explorations of their spirituality, participants looked inward to resolve their struggles in deeply personal ways. Spiritual struggle was often manifested as a reexamination of students' pre-college values, an ongoing process for many students. Researchers identified four ways of describing students' state of resolution: (1) recommitting to an existing faith, (2) slightly readjusting their spiritual or religious values, (3) blending spiritual traditions, or (4) losing their faith.
Original languageEnglish
JournalThe College student affairs journal
Issue number2
Publication statusPublished - 1 Jan 2009


  • spiritual struggles
  • college seniors
  • academic activities
  • external factors
  • pre-college values
  • recommitting
  • readjusting
  • blending traditions
  • losing faith


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