IQ-Pass: Accelerate and upscale to the next level

Helen De Haan

Research output: Working paper


European business environment has many specific market conditions due to the differences in terms of legislation, culture & language, business practices, etc. Many European companies are in the transition of combining digital transformation (apps, software and platform development) and their traditional industrial bases. Another trend in European business development is consolidation, i.e. merger and acquisitions. Small but very innovative companies can be easily taken over by larger companies. When such a small but innovative company becomes a business unit in of a large organisation after acquisition or take-over, maintaining innovation-based growth can be problematic. By understanding this dynamic and the unique characteristics of European small and medium enterprises (SMEs), students will learn and practise knowledge from key subject areas in identifying market opportunities, developing market entry strategies and a feasible marketing plan for each targeted area.
Original languageEnglish
PublisherTechnological University Dublin
Publication statusPublished - 2022
Externally publishedYes


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