Every Day is a School Day: Educators Experiences of Utilising an Integrative Framework within Social Care Education in Ireland

Jennifer McGarr, Margaret Fingleton, Noel Molloy, Gillian Larkin, Marian Connell, Ailish Jameson, Anne Marie Shier

Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review


Within an evolving regulatory context, this paper identifies some of the emergent challenges and opportunities for social care education in Ireland. The paper discusses the potential offered by the Integrative Framework for Practice Teaching to address some of these contextual demands and examines the pedagogy underpinning this approach. A number of educators’ experiences of using this framework are provided, demonstrating how they innovatively integrated the framework with commonly used teaching and assessment strategies within social care education, such as mind-mapping, problem-based learning and the use of creative media. These experiences are offered to other educators who may wish to utilise authentic assessment and create space for integrated thinking within the classroom. Based on the learning gleaned from the above experiences, a number of key points were identified, including: (i) the role of community of practices in supporting innovation within the classroom; (ii) the value of an integrated pedagogical approach in developing core graduate attributes for social care; (iii) opportunities offered by authentic assessment to build, refine and integrate skills and knowledge, and (iv) the importance of self in working reflexively within a dynamic and sometimes challenging environment. This paper contributes to the wider discussion on social care identity formation and explores the possibilities to reframe and reimagine social care education from a practice position.
Original languageEnglish
JournalIrish Journal of Academic Practice
Issue number2
Publication statusPublished - 1 Dec 2021


  • social care
  • education
  • authentic assessment
  • educator experiences


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