Evaluating food safety knowledge and practices among foodservice staff in Al Madinah Hospitals, Saudi Arabia

Nada Ahmad Alqurashi, Anushree Priyadarshini, Amit K. Jaiswal

Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

40 Citations (Scopus)


This study examines food safety knowledge and practices of food service staff in AlMadinah hospitals, Saudi Arabia. A total of 163 food service staff participated voluntarily from10 hospitals across the city of Al Madinah. The participants completed a questionnaire composed ofthree parts: General characteristics, food safety knowledge, and food safety practices. Results showedthat respondents generally had good food safety knowledge with the highest pass rate of 77.9% forknowledge of cross contamination followed by 52.8% for knowledge of food poisoning, and 49.7%of knowledge of food storage. Food safety practices were also strongly observed in the hospitalswith a pass rate of 92.6%. Food safety knowledge among the hospital food service staff varied withthe level of education, age, and having received food hygiene/safety practices, training while foodsafety practices had a significant association with the level of education and food hygiene/safetypractices training of the staff. Spearman rho coefficient results showed that there was a significantlinear relationship between food safety practice and food safety knowledge, and that food safetyknowledge significantly predicts food safety practices. This research revealed the importance ofeducation and consistent training of food service staff in improving knowledge and thereby betterand safe food handling practices, which could contribute to apply food safety in the hospitals.

Original languageEnglish
Article number9
Issue number1
Publication statusPublished - 2019


  • Food handler knowledge
  • Food handler practices
  • Food hygiene
  • Food safety
  • Foodborne illnesses


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