Engineering Student Belonging To Prevent Early Leavers Through Curriculum Decolonization, Academic Self-Concept, And Psychologically Safe Teamwork

Neil Cooke, Jacqueline Chetty, Claudia Favero, Zena Green, Neil Drury, Pieter Joubert

Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review


The proportion of early leavers from engineering degrees closely follows the higher education sector throughout Europe; around 10% leave before graduation. Students are more likely to drop-out if they do not feel that they belong in the learning community. While research shows that academic achievement is a primary factor contributing to student drop-out, other student-centric social factors, such as belonging are equally important to student drop-out rates within higher education. The aim of this paper is to present a model constructed on student belonging. The model consists of 3 pillars, namely academic self-concept & professional identity, psychologically safe teamwork, and decolonisation. The study was based on the development and continuous refinement of interventions that could assist students with feeling a sense of belonging. While the primary intention of this project is to present a body of work that highlights belonging as a contributing factor that may be pivotal to a student remaining in higher education or dropping out, readers will also learn about how best to support students in gaining a sense of belonging through self-concept, providing safe teamwork and by decolonising the curriculum.
Original languageEnglish
JournalEuropean Society for Engineering Education (SEFI)
Publication statusPublished - 2023
Externally publishedYes


  • early leavers
  • engineering degrees
  • higher education
  • student belonging
  • academic achievement
  • student drop-out
  • learning community
  • academic self-concept
  • professional identity
  • psychologically safe teamwork
  • decolonisation
  • interventions


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