Emulsifying properties of whey protein concentrate and caseinomacropeptide of cow, ewe and goat

Ana Belen Martin-Diana, J. Frias, J. Fontecha

Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review


The emulsifying activity index was shown to be significantly higher in the case of the whey protein concentrate (WPC) compared to caseinomacropeptides (CMP) (185 and 36 m2.g-1, respectively). The emulsifying activity index showed a dependent behaviour on pH and protein concentration for WMP and three CMPs. The emulsifying stability index of WMP changed significantly with pH and ionic strength. For CMPs from the 3 different species, the emulsifying stability did not show a significant variability with respect to pH but showed a dependence on ionic strength. The CMPs had a more stable emulsifying activity index with respect to pH than WMP, suggesting the possible utilisation of CMP as an emulsifier in foods which undergo large pH variations during processing (i.e. fermented dairy products).

Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)363-367
Number of pages5
Issue number4
Publication statusPublished - 2005


  • 21 Emulsifying properties (whey protein concentrate, caseinmacropeptide)


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