Creating Educational Industry Connections through Internship TU4D Guide for Best Practice

Frank Cullen

Research output: Book/ReportCommissioned report


A working subgroup was sent up in 2015 in response to the TU4D Design Team requirements. The task of the subgroup was to conduct a reviews of ITB, DIT AND ITT placement structures and develop a draft policy based on the combined internship polices. The subgroup was additionally informed by the HEA paper ‘Towards a Future Higher Education Landscape’ (February 2012), ‘Work Placement A Best Practice Guide for Employers’ (AHECS), DIT’s working group report (2012), the REAPS report ‘Work Placement in Third Level Education’ (2011). This draft policy includes the process and criteria from the three institutions and is based on the review of extensive research conducted in the field of Internship and Work Placement. The membership of the working group was drawn from across the three Institutions and met between February 2015 and June 2015. An open invitation policy was adopted and staff representation from all three institutions feed into the subgroup. Students feedback was extracted from the DIT working group report, REAPS report and Doctoral research conducted between 2007 and 2012 that engaged in research on current practice in Ireland and internationally and a significant data gathering exercise was conducted in all three institutions in order to inform this draft policy.
Original languageEnglish
PublisherTechnological University Dublin
Publication statusPublished - 2015


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