Constructing the ‘Public Interest’: (De)legitimizing the Acquisition of Aer Lingus by IAG

Joseph K. Fitzgerald

Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review


This article assesses how the ‘Public Interest’ was used to (de)legitimize the acquisition of a national airline. It does this by adopting a case study approach that analyses the acquisition of Aer Lingus by International Consolidated Airlines Group (IAG). This acquisition is part of a broader trend of international consolidation that the aviation industry has experienced in recent years. The article also critiques whether the ‘Public Interest’ was constructed on valid grounds. Its analysis found that the public interest was constructed as the continuance of routes between Irish airports and London Heathrow as a means for Ireland to maintain international connectivity. However, this article questions the validity of how the ‘Public Interest’ was constructed, suggesting that although the Public Interest does appear to be served by maintaining international connectivity, it is less clear whether connectivity with London Heathrow serves the interests of the public. Notwithstanding this critique, IAG was able to successfully use the maintenance of the Public Interest to successfully execute its acquisition of Aer Lingus.

Original languageEnglish
JournalGlobal Business Review
Publication statusAccepted/In press - 2023


  • Mergers & acquisitions
  • public interest
  • public policy
  • strategy legitimation


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