Closed loop identification of a first order plus dead-time process model under PI control

Tony Kealy, Aidan O'Dwyer

Research output: Contribution to conferencePaperpeer-review


This paper discusses the estimation of the parameters of a first order plus dead-time process model using the closed-loop step response data of the process under proportional plus integral (PI) control. The proportional gain and the integral time, in the PI controller, are chosen such that the closed-loop step response exhibits an under-damped response. From this response data, five characteristic points are used to determine a second order plus dead-time model and subsequently, the frequency response of the closed-loop system. Knowing the dynamics of the closed-loop system and the dynamics of the controller, the open-loop dynamics of the process can be determined by separating the dynamics of the controller from the closed-loop dynamics.
Original languageEnglish
Publication statusPublished - 2002
EventIrish Signals and Systems Conference - Cork, Ireland
Duration: 1 Jun 200230 Jun 2002


ConferenceIrish Signals and Systems Conference


  • first order plus dead-time process model
  • closed-loop step response
  • proportional plus integral control
  • under-damped response
  • second order plus dead-time model
  • frequency response
  • open-loop dynamics


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