Cantares de la Frontera

Cliona Doris (Performer), Deirdre McKay (Composer), Peter Garland (Composer), Cliona Doris (Producer), Edward Holly (Producer), Simon Kiln (Other), Eamonn Quinn (Producer), Edel Rodriguez (Designer)

Research output: Non-textual formDigital or Visual Products


Digital recording: Cantares de la Frontera

Solo harp repertoire

1. Peter Garland - Cantares de la Frontera: Long Song 'Galisteo Basin' 02:57
2. Peter Garland - Cantares de la Frontera: Cancíon de Villanueva 03:56
3. Peter Garland - Cantares de la Frontera: The Waldo Waltz 03:51
4. Deirdre McKay - handwoven 04:48

Clíona Doris, Harp
Recorded at Echo Music Productions, Co. Louth
Recorded by Edward Holly
Produced by Clíona Doris, Edward Holly
Mixed and Mastered: Simon Kiln
Executive Producer: Eamonn Quinn
Artwork : Edel Rodriguez
Funded by the Arts Council and Create Louth
Original languageEnglish (Ireland)
Place of PublicationIreland
PublisherLouth Contemporary Music Society
Media of outputOnline
Publication statusPublished - 2 Jun 2021


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