Can the Use of Clickers or Continous Assessment Motivate Critical Thinking?: a Case Study Based on Corporate Finance Students

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This study explores the use of clickers as a tool to support, encourage and motivate critical thinking in higher education students. A case study was carried out with a cohort of undergraduate students undertaking the BSc. in Accounting and Finance during the academic year 2009/10, were corporate finance was a major component. Since the students in this sample had previously demonstrated passivity during their corporate finance classes, it was proposed that clickers would help motivate them to participate during face to face sessions. Previous research on the use of clickers shows evidence that this tool has a positive effect on student participation and interaction in the classroom. The results of this study suggest that clickers can positively affect classroom dynamics; they help activate the learning experience and provide a more relaxed atmosphere, where students can interact with their teacher. However, little evidence was found to indicate that clickers are a good device to enhance critical thinking skills. In this context, strategies based on a problem-centered approach to learning appear to provide a better outcome.
Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)33-42
JournalHigher Learning Research Communications
Issue number1
Publication statusPublished - 1 Jun 2011


  • clickers
  • critical thinking
  • higher education
  • student participation
  • classroom dynamics
  • problem-centered learning


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