Can Protanopia Be Correctly Diagnosed in Clinical Practice? An Evaluation of Diagnosis by Four Screening Tests

Peter A. Davison, Grainne Scanlon

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5 Citations (Scopus)


SIGNIFICANCE Protanopia is a color vision deficiency (CVD) that is unacceptable for certain occupations. This study compares simultaneously for the first time the ability of three recently revised or developed clinical tests of color vision with the Ishihara test to diagnose protanopia from other color vision deficiencies. PURPOSE The objectives were to examine the ability of four clinical tests to differentiate (1) between protan and deutan CVDs in patients with protanopia and deuteranopia, and (2) protanopes and deuteranopes as "strong"deficiencies. METHODS The Hardy-Rand-Rittler (4th ed.), City University (3rd ed.), Ishihara, and Mollon-Reffin tests were evaluated against the Oculus Heidelberg Multi-Color anomaloscope for 18 protanopes and 9 deuteranopes. Diagnosis by anomaloscopy was subsequent to administration of screening tests. RESULTS The Ishihara test misdiagnosed all 18 protanopes as having a deutan deficiency. In contrast, the Hardy-Rand-Rittler and Mollon-Reffin tests correctly identified protan CVD in 100% of protanopes. No screening test was able to reliably diagnose protanopia on the basis of a strong protan CVD. CONCLUSIONS The Ishihara test is not suitable for screening for protanopia; its failure to diagnose protanopes as having a protan CVD was far greater than that in previous studies. The Hardy-Rand-Rittler and Mollon-Reffin are the most reliable tests for this purpose. None of the screening tests were able to reliably differentiate dichromacy from strongly anomalous trichromacy.

Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)852-856
Number of pages5
JournalOptometry and Vision Science
Issue number10
Publication statusPublished - Oct 2020


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