BIM Innovation Capability Programme: an Irish BIM Study

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In 2011 the Royal Institute of Architects Ireland (RIAI) conducted a survey which found that BIM adoption within Ireland was quite low at 16%. Over the last five years these figures have risen significantly, with the 2016 Irish Digital Transition Survey reporting that 76% of respondents possess confidence in their organisation’s BIM skills and knowledge. This represents a significant shift of BIM adoption in Ireland over the last five years. The BIM Innovation Capability Programme (BICP) Irish BIM study, builds on the findings from the BICP Global BIM Study by providing an in depth review of BIM in Ireland with regards to key government publications, BIM champions, existing standards and procurement routes, BIM training programmes, current initiatives and maturity within public and private sector projects.
Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)78-81
JournalIrish Building Magazine
Issue number4
Publication statusPublished - 1 Dec 2016


  • BIM adoption
  • Ireland
  • RIAI
  • BIM skills
  • BIM knowledge
  • Digital Transition Survey
  • BIM Innovation Capability Programme
  • BICP Global BIM Study
  • government publications
  • BIM champions
  • standards
  • procurement routes
  • BIM training programmes
  • public sector projects
  • private sector projects


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