AstroGeoInformatics: From Data Acquisition to Further Application

Research output: Chapter in Book/Report/Conference proceedingChapterpeer-review


Astro- and geoinformatics face many common challenges in today's data tsunami age. While the previous century had focused predominantly on improving the devices and sensors used for data acquisition, today's challenge revolves around appropriate providing web-based abstraction layers to underlying storage strategies for largely heterogeneous data, with access provided independent of common queries. This chapter presents and critically discusses common data-centered challenges. Furthermore, several application examples are presented and discussed from both areas, astro- and geoinformatics, with a focus on how machine learning is used to analyze large sets of data from both domains. Time series analysis has become one of the most popular approaches within this context.

Original languageEnglish
Title of host publicationKnowledge Discovery in Big Data from Astronomy and Earth Observation
Subtitle of host publicationAstrogeoinformatics
Number of pages8
ISBN (Electronic)9780128191552
ISBN (Print)9780128191545
Publication statusPublished - 9 Apr 2020


  • Astroinformatics
  • Data analysis
  • Galileo
  • Geoinformatics
  • Smart city
  • Trends in applications


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