Analyzing Operator States and the Impact of AI-Enhanced Decision Support in Control Rooms: A Human-in-the-Loop Specialized Reinforcement Learning Framework for Intervention Strategies

Ammar N. Abbas, Chidera W. Amazu, Joseph Mietkiewicz, Houda Briwa, Andres Alonso Perez, Gabriele Baldissone, Micaela Demichela, Georgios C. Chasparis, John D. Kelleher, Maria Chiara Leva

Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review


In complex industrial and chemical process control rooms, effective decision-making is crucial for safety and efficiency. The experiments in this paper evaluate the impact and applications of an AI-based decision support system integrated into an improved human-machine interface, using dynamic influence diagrams, a hidden Markov model, and deep reinforcement learning. The enhanced support system aims to reduce operator workload, improve situational awareness, and provide different intervention strategies to the operator adapted to the current state of both the system and human performance. Such a system can be particularly useful in cases of information overload when many alarms and inputs are presented all within the same time window, or for junior operators during training. A comprehensive cross-data analysis was conducted, involving 47 participants and a diverse range of data sources such as smartwatch metrics, eye-tracking data, process logs, and responses from questionnaires. The results indicate interesting insights regarding the effectiveness of the approach in aiding decision-making, decreasing perceived workload, and increasing situational awareness for the scenarios considered. Additionally, the results provide insights to compare differences between styles of information gathering when using the system by individual participants. These findings are particularly relevant when predicting the overall performance of the individual participant and their capacity to successfully handle a plant upset and the alarms connected to it using process and human-machine interaction logs in real-time which resulted in a 95.8% prediction accuracy using hidden Markov model. These predictions enable the development of more effective intervention strategies.

Original languageEnglish
JournalInternational Journal of Human-Computer Interaction
Publication statusAccepted/In press - 2024


  • AI-based recommendation system
  • deep reinforcement learning
  • dynamic influence diagrams
  • eye tracking
  • hidden Markov models
  • human-in-the-loop AI
  • human-machine interaction
  • Process safety
  • situational awareness
  • workload


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