Advances in emerging technologies for the decontamination of the food contact surfaces

Research output: Contribution to journalReview articlepeer-review


Foodborne pathogens could be transferred to food from food contact surfaces contaminated by poor hygiene or biofilm formation. The food processing industry has various conditions favouring microbes' adherence, such as moisture, nutrients, and the microbial inoculums obtained from the raw material. The function of the ideal antimicrobial surface is preventing initial attachment of the microbes, killing the microbes or/and removing the dead bacteria. This review article provides detail about the challenges food industries are facing with respect to food contact materials. It also summarises the merits and demerits of several sanitizing methods developed for industrial use. Furthermore, it reviews the new and emerging techniques that enhance the efficiency of reducing microbial contamination. Techniques such as surface functionalisation, high-intensity ultrasound, cold plasma technologies etc. which have high potential to be used for the decontamination of food contact surfaces are discussed. The emerging designs of antibacterial surfaces provide the opportunity to reduce or eradicate the adhesion of microorganisms. The most important purpose of these surfaces is to prevent the attachment of bacteria and to kill the bacteria that come in contact. These emerging technologies have a high potential for developing safe and inert food contact materials for the food industry.

Original languageEnglish
Article number110865
JournalFood Research International
Publication statusPublished - Jan 2022


  • Contamination
  • Emerging technologies
  • Food contact materials
  • Food contact surface
  • Foodborne pathogens


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