A Method for Structural Analysis of Ottoman-Turkish Makam Music Scores

Sertan Senturk, Xavier Serra

Research output: Contribution to conferencePaperpeer-review


From a computational perspective, structural analysis of Ottoman- Turkish makam music (OTMM) is a research topic that has not been addressed thoroughly. In this paper we propose a method, which processes machine-readable music scores of OTMM to extract and semiotically describe the melodic and lyrical organization of the music piece automatically using basic string similarity and graph analysis techniques. The proposed method is used to identify around 50000 phrases in 1300 music scores and 21500 sections in 1770 scores, respectively. The obtained information may be useful for relevant research in music education and musicology, and it has already been used to aid several computational tasks such as music score content validation, digital music engraving and audio-score alignment.
Original languageEnglish
Publication statusPublished - 2016
Externally publishedYes
Event6th International Workshop on Folk Music Analysis - Dublin, Ireland
Duration: 15 Jun 201617 Jun 2016


Conference6th International Workshop on Folk Music Analysis


  • structural analysis
  • Ottoman-Turkish makam music
  • machine-readable music scores
  • melodic organization
  • lyrical organization
  • string similarity
  • graph analysis
  • music education
  • musicology
  • music score content validation
  • digital music engraving
  • audio-score alignment


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