A Hardware One-Time Pad Prototype Generator for Localising Cloud Security

Paul Tobin, Lee Tobin, Michael McKeever, Jonathan Blackledge

Research output: Contribution to conferencePaperpeer-review


In this paper, we examine a system for encrypting data before storing in the Cloud. Adopting this system gives excellent security to stored data and complete control for accessing data by the client at different locations. The motivation for developing this personal encryption came about because of poor Cloud security and doubts over the safety of public encryption algorithms which might contain backdoors. However, side-channel attacks and other unwanted third-party interventions in Cloud security, probably contribute more to the poor security record history. These factors led to the development of a prototype for personalising security locally which defeats cryptanalysis. The key distribution problem associated with random binary sequences called one-time-pads, does not exist for one-to-Cloud applications, unlike bi-directional communications where it was a big issue. The random binary sequences were generated from chaotic analogue oscillators with initial conditions from a data receiver. A JavaScript application processed the one-time pad and data using modulo two arithmetic and applied the von Neumann bias-removal algorithm to increase the overall entropy. The one-time pad binary sequences applied the fifteen tests in the National Institute of Standards and Technology statistical suite of tests to test for randomness. The one-time pads are transported between locations in a memory key device and the prototype encoder should have dimensions similar to a typical memory key device.
Original languageEnglish
Publication statusPublished - 2017
EventECCWS 16th European Conference on Cyber Warfare and Security - Dublin, Ireland
Duration: 1 Jan 201731 Dec 2017


ConferenceECCWS 16th European Conference on Cyber Warfare and Security


  • encrypting data
  • Cloud security
  • public encryption algorithms
  • side-channel attacks
  • cryptanalysis
  • one-time-pads
  • chaotic analogue oscillators
  • JavaScript application
  • von Neumann bias-removal algorithm
  • National Institute of Standards and Technology
  • randomness


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