A Dynamic Rule-based Approach for Self-adaptive Map Personalisation Services

Basel Magableh

    Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review


    With continuous increase of available geographical information services, requirements for personalising map contentaccording to the user’s profile and context information areincreasingly important. Map personalisation applications could adapt their functionality/behaviour to provide the user with specific spatial data related to his interests at runtime. However, this can be achieved if map applications are able to filter and prioritise geospatial data using dynamic decision-making processes, whichconsiders users’ profiles and context for selecting and styling map content according to their needs. To this aim, this article proposes a new approach for map personalisation using dynamic rule-based engine, which provides the map application with the ability to change its styles and rules dynamically according to users’ profiles.This approach differs from the majority of existing works, which seek to embed the styling rules on the functional implementation of the map application. In addition, the personalisation engine is integrated with context-driven adaptation, which allows the application to monitor, detect, analyse, and react over changes onthe computational environment and users’ profiles. This enablesmap applications to use a styling rule that provides different levels of personalisation and adapt to changes in the computational environment including level of resources and quality of services.
    Original languageEnglish
    Pages (from-to)53-63
    JournalThe International Journal of Soft Computing and Software Engineering (JSCSE)
    Issue number1
    Publication statusPublished - 15 Mar 2013


    • geographical information services
    • map personalisation
    • user’s profile
    • context information
    • dynamic decision-making
    • geospatial data
    • styling rules
    • context-driven adaptation
    • computational environment
    • quality of services


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