Personal profile

Research interests

Technological University Dublin 2010-Present: Lecturer, School of Media: Teaching media, communications and journalism courses at undergraduate and postgraduate level. Research and administration duties. Education PhD, Dublin City University, Political Economy of Irish Television Broadcasting Policy, 1997- 2007 Supervisor: Dr Roderick Flynn. (Awarded, February 2009) 2000-2009 MA, Media Education, Institute of Education, University of London, 1994-1996 BA, History/Sociology, N.U.I Maynooth, 1990-1993 Research Experience Lead Researcher Broadcasting Authority of Ireland Media Research Fund. International comparative analysis of community radio funding schemes 2011-2012. A collaborative research project funded by the irish broadcasting sector regulator. Research Associate Research Associate, Centre for Media Research, 2006-2008, University of Ulster, Coleraine. Working within the Media Policy strand of the Centre for Media Research; responsibility for generating publications and developing research proposals for the policy strand. Recent work focused on comparative media policy, the emerging digital environment, media industries and the political economy of the media. I was also editor of the Centre’s policy document series. Doctoral Research, D.C.U My doctoral research (2000-2009) synthesized a variety of theoretical approaches under the broad labels of political economy, institutionalism and critical theory. Applied to the re-structuring of the broadcasting sector, under conditions of political, economic, technological and socio-cultural change, the theoretical model provided an analytical construct for tracing the contexts, formulation and performance of contemporary public policy in this area. The methodology utilised case studies of two areas of significant policy development, i.e. the switch to digital television and the restructuring of public service broadcasting. The methods involved a combination of documentary analysis, participative observation and semi structured interviewing. Masters Research, U.L Dissertation: Press Representations of the Peace Process in Northern Ireland. The methodology combined textual, linguistic and discourse analyses in a comparative study of Irish, Northern Irish and British press representations of the peace process, 1994-1995. Teaching and Research Interests Interests include media industries, the sociology of the media, international and comparative media systems, media, culture and communications policy, public sphere/critical theory/social theory, political economy and media regulation.

Professional Information

Media Policy, Media Theory, Media Sociology, Media Technology

Education/Academic qualification


Award Date: 1 Jan 2009


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