Media contributions
21Media contributions
Title Die Lange Tradition des Festmahls Degree of recognition National Media name/outlet Slow Food Magazin Media type Print Country/Territory Germany Date 28/05/24 Description In this article, I reflect on the long tradition of celebrating life's large and small joys with a feast, recalling also famous feasts in literature and film, from Beowulf to The Big Night. Producer/Author Author: Anke Klitzing; Publisher: oekom verlag Persons Anke Klitzing Title Volle Bäuche für alle ist nicht genug Degree of recognition National Media name/outlet Slow Food Magazin Media type Print Country/Territory Germany Date 4/02/20 Description At the start of the new decade, this article looks into the trends that will determine what and how we eat in the coming years. Producer/Author Author: Anke Klitzing; Publisher: oekom verlag Persons Anke Klitzing Title Gesundes Essen? Überall anders! Degree of recognition National Media name/outlet Slow Food Magazin Media type Print Country/Territory Germany Date 26/11/19 Description In this article, I discuss the concept of healthy food and healthy eating. The question of which food and style of eating is healthy, safe and good for us is as old as time. However, the answer to this question is structured by culture and society, just like or food and foodways, and thus, there are as many answers to this as there are humans on this planet. For us omnivore humans, there never will or can be a single solution. Producer/Author Author: Anke Klitzing; Publisher: oekom verlag Persons Anke Klitzing Title Who is who bei Bohnen, Erbsen & Co? Degree of recognition National Media name/outlet Slow Food Magazin Media type Print Country/Territory Germany Date 24/09/19 Description In this introductory article to the dossier on pulses in Slow Food Magazine 05-2019, I give an overview over the different types of pulses, how to grow, how to cook and how to eat them. The German heritage varieties of peas, beans and lentils protected by the Slow Food Ark of Taste are also portrayed. Producer/Author Author: Anke Klitzing; Publisher: oekom verlag Persons Anke Klitzing Title Die Ganze Welt – Unser Gemüsegarten? Degree of recognition National Media name/outlet Slow Food Magazin Media type Print Country/Territory Germany Date 30/07/19 Description This piece questions the dynamics and consequences of our habit of buying and eating frozen foods. Is our desire for convenience and eternal freshness perpetuating environmental and social inequalities? Producer/Author Author: Anke Klitzing; Publisher: oekom verlag Persons Anke Klitzing Title Sind Eier Ökologisch Vertretbar? Degree of recognition National Media name/outlet Slow Food Magazin Media type Print Country/Territory Germany Date 30/07/19 Description In this article I explain the practices regarding sustainable chicken farming and egg production as laid out by biodynamic farmer and general secretary of Demeter International, Christoph Simpfendoerfer. Producer/Author Author: Anke Klitzing; Publisher: oekom verlag Persons Anke Klitzing Title Besser Ohne Plastik Degree of recognition National Media name/outlet Slow Food Magazin Media type Print Country/Territory Germany Date 28/05/19 Description In this article, I explore alternatives to plastic food packaging for commercial and private uses. Producer/Author Author: Anke Klitzing; Publisher: oekom verlag Persons Anke Klitzing Title Weltweit Geschützter Käse Degree of recognition National Media name/outlet Slow Food Magazin Media type Print Country/Territory Germany Date 27/11/18 Description I explain the reason for and initiatives of protecting the diversity of raw milk cheeses worldwide, highlighting some interesting examples from around the globe. Producer/Author Author: Anke Klitzing; Publisher: oekom verlag Persons Anke Klitzing Title Die Slow Food Arche - Vielfalt auf dem Teller Degree of recognition National Media name/outlet Slow Food Magazin Media type Print Country/Territory Germany Date 31/07/18 Description In this piece, I explain the international project of the Slow Food Ark of Taste, and introduce the reader to a dozen of the 4.800 rare and almost forgotten delicacies from around the world, such as Irish stoneground oatmeal, the Sokhwit wild orange from India, or herring roe on seaweed from Canada. Producer/Author Author: Anke Klitzing; Publisher: oekom verlag Persons Anke Klitzing Title Wie unser Essen das Klima beeinflusst Degree of recognition National Media name/outlet Slow Food Magazin Media type Print Country/Territory Germany Date 2/02/18 Description This articles opens the dossier on food and climate in the Slow Food Magazin 01/2018. I explain how our food and eating habits are not only affected by climate change - they are, to a considerable extent, also the cause of it. The global production and distribution of food in an industrialised system create large amounts of emissions and damage natural mechanisms that regulate the climate. Meat is a particular problem. Changing our personal eating habits even a little however may help to halt or even reverse the trend. Producer/Author Author: Anke Klitzing; Publisher: oekom verlag Persons Anke Klitzing Title Bloß keinen Thermomix Degree of recognition National Media name/outlet Slow Food Magazin Media type Print Country/Territory Germany Date 28/11/17 Description In this op-ed, I explain why a kitchen appliance that costs over €1,000 is a lot less versatile and useful than its price and image would suggest. Producer/Author Author: Anke Klitzing; Publisher: oekom verlag Persons Anke Klitzing Title Über Food Porns, Kochpakete und oberflächlichen Konsum Degree of recognition National Media name/outlet Slow Food Magazin Media type Print Country/Territory Germany Date 26/09/17 Description Food and eating are everywhere these days: food images adorn our online and offline world. But are we just lusting after the spectacle? Increasing subscriptions to recipe packages that only demand the simplest work steps hint at a falling self-confidence in the kitchen. I discuss the implications and recommend some food-focused writing that allows the reader to delve deeper into the subject and rediscover the joy of cooking. Producer/Author Author: Anke Klitzing; Publisher: oekom verlag Persons Anke Klitzing Title Wein trinken und Steillagen retten Degree of recognition National Media name/outlet Slow Food Magazin Media type Print Country/Territory Germany Date 25/07/17 Description I spoke with winemaker Martin Müllen about the challenges and rewards of cultivating and maintaining the ancient steep vineyards along the Mosel river, which yield amazingly complex Riesling wines and have been renowned for centuries. Producer/Author Author: Anke Klitzing; Publisher: oekom verlag Persons Anke Klitzing Title Mehr Mut zum Kochen ohne Uhr und Waage Degree of recognition National Media name/outlet Slow Food Magazin Media type Print Country/Territory Germany Date 25/07/17 Description This article discusses the development and limitations of recipes, and why it is invaluable to allow oneself to make mistakes in the kitchen. Producer/Author Author: Anke Klitzing; Publisher: oekom verlag Persons Anke Klitzing Title Dicke Bohnen - Hülsenfrüchte mit Geschichte Degree of recognition National Media name/outlet Slow Food Magazin Media type Print Country/Territory Germany Date 30/05/17 Description This article showcases broad beans with their long history, giving information on growing and cooking this ancient and delicious vegetable. Producer/Author Author: Anke Klitzing; Publisher: oekom verlag Persons Anke Klitzing Title Lachs muss wieder Luxus werden Degree of recognition National Media name/outlet Slow Food Magazin Media type Print Country/Territory Germany Date 28/03/17 Description This op-ed explains why fish shopping guides are glossing over an inconvenient truth: we are eating fish, as if we had enough of it - but we don't. That's why for everyone not actually living by the coast, fish has to be treated as the rare delicacy that it used to be, and really is. Producer/Author Author: Anke Klitzing; Publisher: oekom verlag Persons Anke Klitzing Title Großmutters Kohlrouladen oder syrisches Gebäck Degree of recognition National Media name/outlet Slow Food Magazin Media type Print Country/Territory Germany Date 7/02/17 Description This article reflects on food, identity and the feeling of home, including a view to the experience of Syrian refugees in Berlin. Producer/Author Author: Anke Klitzing; Publisher: oekom verlag Persons Anke Klitzing Title Schlaraffenland mit Schalem Beigeschmack Degree of recognition National Media name/outlet Slow Food Magazin Media type Print Country/Territory Germany Date 27/09/16 Description This article on food waste offers a survey on where food is wasted on its way from soil to table. It is not just the whims of consumers that lead to food being wasted: the problem is systemic and begins as early as sowing - or the breed of the cattle. Producer/Author Author: Anke Klitzing; Publisher: oekom verlag Persons Anke Klitzing Title Promoting Smallholder Agriculture with Slow Food Presidia Projects Degree of recognition National Media name/outlet Promoting Best Practice in Agriculture – POWA Advocacy Project Media type Print Country/Territory Germany Date 2/06/14 Producer/Author Author: Anke Klitzing; Publisher: Welthungerhilfe. Persons Anke Klitzing Title Facing the facts on fat Degree of recognition National Media name/outlet Media type Web Country/Territory Ireland Date 1/11/11 Description Obesity is not just the responsibility of the individual but has structural roots. Producer/Author Author: Anke Klitzing Persons Anke Klitzing Title Vom Wert und Preis unserer Nahrung Degree of recognition National Media name/outlet Südlink Media type Print Country/Territory Germany Date 31/10/11 Description Our food choices have far-reaching consequences on our own lives and that of others as well as the world we live in. But do we who live with an abundance of cheap food still realise and appreciate that? And if we don't pay for it, who does? Producer/Author Authors: Ursula Hudson and Anke Klitzing; Publisher: INKOTA Netzwerk Persons Anke Klitzing
- sustainable food systems
- sustainable agriculture
- sustainable consumption